Tag Archives: Florence + the Machine

The Sunday Currently Vol. 1*

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I just finished reading The Hobbit, and planned on continuing with The Lord of the Rings trilogy, when I decided to go sci-fi instead. Inverted World is the only Christopher Priest I own as of the moment (and I terribly wish I could find a copy of The Prestige), and it shouted a mighty hello from the bottom of my bookshelf last night. While reading, I realized that I shifted from Tolkien’s poetry to that of Priest, and to quote from the book’s introduction (written by Adam Roberts):

For this novel, like the best poetry, is richly, metaphorically, expressive. A tale about the presence of the infinite within the finite, it can hardly help being a fable about the human imagination, about the spirit – about the unlimited vistas contained inside the small globe of bone of our heads. Robert Browning once defined poetry as a putting of the infinite with the finite. The apparent simple surface of Priest’s novel contains depths. The beautiful, powerful, profound novel is the purest poetry.


Flash fiction is making a comeback in my head, and I’m planning on re-creating colored memories through the printed word. I also miss writing sonnets and haikus.


I recently created a “power playlist” to keep me motivated while exercising (ha-ha). You wouldn’t believe how many abdominal crunches Florence + the Machine pushes me to do. My current goal is to plank for the entire Dog Days are Over single.


I’ve been meaning to write more about Personal Finance and Freelancing, but something about my inexperience doesn’t sit well with the authoritative voice of self-help blogs. I’m also planning to sign up on lit/creative writing MOOCs, and I’m excited for (and a bit scared of) the Pandora’s box this will open.


There’s something about laundry detergent that relaxes me when I get stressed. I should probably write about a heroine that discovered her super powers through washing machine bubbles.


I have been writing “Batanes” in my travel wishlist far too long. Check out my friend Jonver’s post about his recent birthday trip to Batanes!


Freelancing is definitely more taxing than regular work, but I appreciate the fact that I can perform different roles in a single job. I’m hoping to build a (more or less regular) client base within the year (and to never sell my soul for money again!).


Old, oversized shirts really go well with online work (ha-ha)!


Book nerds always gush about the smell of book paper, and I love inhaling the pages of my current read.




Endorphins. I should probably go back to running daily. My brother and I recently stopped because I’m finding it harder to wake up early.


Hot. This humidity won’t let up! I suddenly miss wearing pajamas, and the cold during Baguio rainy days.

The Sunday Currently is originally created by Siddathornton